Help us move the edge of B2B Sales πŸ™ŒπŸš€


Narratic Labs fundamentally reshapes the landscape of B2B Sales. We envision a future where the right connections between businesses are made effortlessly, driving unprecedented efficiency in sales processes. This shift accelerates business growth and fosters a more interconnected and dynamically synergistic commercial world.

Our intelligent company search engine performs in-depth company searches and rankings in seconds, surpassing traditional databases and manual methods. By analyzing various company data, we prioritize potential targets based on each client’s Individual Customer Profiles (ICP) and thus streamline the lead generation process for global leaders.

Open positions

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<aside> πŸ€” Didn’t see your dream role? If you don't see a position that matches your skills and experience, we still want to hear from you! Send an email to [email protected] with your profile and a short description of what we are missing out on.
